Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Retails Sites Hit With Large-Scale Bot Attacks

Retails businesses that have established their online presence are in for another wave of attacks. As indicated in this year’s State of the Internet, attacks on retails sites have ramped up. According to the report, large-scale bot attacks are out targeting businesses, with retails sites being hit the hardest. This attacks are known as “credential stuffing” and is nothing new. However, due to the scale of the attacks, businesses should be on the defensive. It is suggested that businesses deploy reliable IT management protocols either in-house or through a reputable service provider.

In fact, the attacks made from May up until December of 2018, a total of 28 billion attempts at credential stuffing was made. One retail site reported to have been attacked by more than 115 million times in a single day. All of the attacks were bot-driven.

The report also indicated that the bots have the ability to target in excess of 120 retails in a single attack. With the use of certain techniques, the bots were able to evade detection and continue with the attacks.

What’s more problematic is that successful bot attacks could be undetected by the retailer. This means that retailers could see normal data but in the back end, they were already facing some serious attacks. This could deal a huge blow to customers’ information security entirely. Not only will it compromise the retailer, but it will ultimately have a bigger impact on its customers. Overall, impact of these attacks are limited compared to other schemes deployed by hackers.

Although damage dealt by such attacks are limited, it is still significant and can pose as threat to both retailer and consumer alike. With this in hand, retailers should always be vigilant in preserving their security, which would later entail to better relations with customers. With that being said, businesses must have a reliable IT management Wilmington team to aid in such situations and prevent issues from escalating.

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SpartanTec, Inc.
Wilmington, NC 28412
(910) 218-9255

Cities Served:
Wilmington, Silver Lake, Sea Breeze, Carolina Beach, Eagle Island, Leland, Wrightsboro

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