Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Post COVID-19 Era's Effects On The Cybersecurity Landscape

COVID-19 has changed the lives of people across the globe and individuals as well as organizations have to protect their confidential data. Although some changes are temporary, there are others that have long lasting impact. The pandemic forced employees to work from home, schools to close, and gave rise to different online scams. These rapid and drastic changes have emphasized the need for improved individual and organizational cybersecurity practices.

As the world becomes increasingly dependent on computer networks, there’s an immense need to improve virtual security and privacy rights protection. The unforeseen transition to a work from home setting has brought about vulnerable points on which cybercriminals will focus on. Employers now need to depend on communication technologies that are not as secure as expected. Additionally, there has been an increase in malicious activities in the cyberworld like phishing emails and online scams. In order to decrease the liability and vulnerabilities, individuals and companies must reconsider their security policies and practices, and their privacy.

Although security measures need investment upfront, the cost of the data breach in the U.S. reached about $8.19 million back in 2019. Apart from the expenses to responding to data breaches, there’s also a trend involving recovery from lawsuits. If you wish to avoid the risks as well as the liabilities, employers and companies have to take precautionary measures.



Concerns Involving Remote Work

Companies that have moved part or all of their employees to remote work should think about how they will accomplish reasonable security. For many firms, this implies IT services that include the use of multifactor authentication and virtual private networks along with firewall and anti-virus software. Apart from these tools, companies should also think about other security controls like training and policies. As COVID-19 forces more workers to work from home, these trainings and policies must take into account this new reality, from taking into account the physical privacy and physical security of home offices to using third party protection devices. Whether you have a small or big company, you have to take into account your capabilities and what you can ask of your employees.

There’s no single policy or tool that will be enough for all the settings. A perfect security isn’t a practical goal either. Companies have to adopt a defense in depth strategy against the possibility of a data breach or cyberattack. Any cybersecurity strategy will need a thorough understanding of the conditions under which your staff are working. Remote work arrangements must use technical controls to secure and encrypt data, prevent unintentional mistakes as well as malicious attacks, and determine the need to use both technical and physical security controls.

In developing cybersecurity practices that are more effective, companies have to recheck the kind of data they keep, send, and otherwise possess or with their 3rd party partners. Companies that handle sensitive data, which must be broadly understood as the total sum of the controlled data, must use stronger and more efficient security measures. Aside from that, IT consulting experts say companies need to minimize the data they collect and save so they won’t look attractive to cybercriminals.

Cloud Computing

The pandemic has also driven companies to rely more on cloud computing. It involves the utilization of remote services to save, manage, and process data. Cloud computing could offer a lot of advantages to companies through lower IT services costs and easier collaboration on remote work. As companies have closed their doors or moved to remote work, cloud computing has become more valuable.

However, cloud computing also comes with its own risks that concerns the integrity, confidentiality, as well as the availability of information. Companies, like those in jurisdictions and industries that are well regulated, that utilize cloud computing services should know the security practices of their service providers. Newer regulations and laws have started to hold companies in a wider range of business sectors that are responsible for the cybersecurity practices of their business associates.

Online Fraud and Cyber Extortion

The COVID-19 pandemic has also caused malicious actors to become more responsive. Cyberthreats are on the rise including ransomware attacks and phishing campaigns. Cybercriminals have made the most out of the confusion, inaction, and uncertainty brought on by the pandemic. The work of cybersecurity teams and professionals were made more complicated by the pandemic as well. Even though some work can be done remotely, there are others that need to be performed hardwired or face to face.


Call SpartanTec, Inc. now and let our team of IT experts develop the most effective cybersecurity strategy to keep your business afloat and safe from potential online attacks, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.


SpartanTec, Inc.
Wilmington, NC 28412
(910) 218-9255

Serving: Myrtle BeachNorth Myrtle BeachColumbiaWilmingtonFayettevilleFlorence

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